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Kate Cassidy

Beach Sunset

Shine Your Inner Light
Beautiful Landscape
My Mission
My mission is to serve as a catalyst to help you to reconnect with your true self, find inner happiness and awaken your inner light.

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"Forgive, Let Go and Move On"

To free ourselves from our suffering and move forward in life we have no choice but to forgive us and others and make peace with the pain.

If we are unwilling to forgive and release our repressed emotions that we keep inside, they create blockages and toxicity in our body, and lead to many physical diseases, including cancer.

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How I Learned to Love Myself

For most of my teenage years and into adulthood, I hated almost everything about myself.

I used to criticise myself, beat myself and not value at all. And no matter how much I did well, I was still believing that "I am not enough.

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How Forgiveness Changed My Life

I was deeply traumatised in my childhood and carried those traumatic memories with me for more than 20 years.

That trauma kept me in the bubble. At times, I was like a walking zombie, living in the past and carrying those hurtful emotions and deep sadness.

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